NY was special because I met my friends, from the actual and previous companies.
Well, Tokyo is cold but the coats I broght there are not enough... I had to buy a huge coat on the day I arrived.
I stayed at Renata's place in NJ, where is beautiful, very clean, modern and it seems everything is new. I liked the train there ^-^
However the subway is terrible... so durty and crazy people everywhere...
Moma, Metropolitan and Guggenheim ... I couldn't stop a minute... they are interesting every cm there and after all day walking around; as the timezone is the opposite, I went down in some of the couches there...
The Central Park was "bold" because of the winter. It is huuuge, with few people doing some exercises... most of them old people walking at that time.
Rockfeller Center is a must, I had no time and no knee for the ice skate, but it worth. It is beautiful.
Time Square is apart of everything. Theaters and shopping malls... it was so crowded.
Madame Tussads was empty ^^, luckly, I was able to see all the "famous artists" there.
Airton Senna was there.
In Stamford (Connecticut), Komal took me to do my first sculputure in the nails... it was looong and scary (^O^).
Grand Central Station is a special place, they reserved the old style and it looks you are in a museum. Difference with Tokyo, NYrs doesn't help you to find out the right way. People working in the station are there only to look not to speak or show you the directions.
The public library is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge and it was not possible to see even 10% what they have! And the Empire State? well, 2h waiting list, I gave up. I only checked outside what was enough, especially because after that, I had a NBA game to go!! Yes, Renata got a ticket to watch NY Knicks in the Club Suite at Madson Square Garden.
Sad feeling was in the Ground Zero... I still could see people's face in a very deep painful feeling...
At night, Time Square is a show of lights and panels... Manhattan ... hoooo... I could live there ^-^ happy groups around Manhattan, doing shoppings for the Xmas or having a family dinner.
On the last day... Statue of Liberty! couldn't miss that, right? Anyway, Liberty is one of my laws, I had to take a look inside the miss liberty.
Great time in NY. I would go again, however not in the winter time (^^;