They have different style, however, you can see it started with punks...

Now a days, even foreignes are like them... heheh

In the entrance of Yoyogi park, every Sunday, a group of "Elvis" make their own show...

Yoyogi Park is the Central Park in NY, Parque do Ibirapuera in Sao Paulo, Temple of Heaven Park in Beijing...
Many people doing everything... jogging, playing soccer, baseball.. music instruments like guitar, birinbau and others.

Some people train for their theather acting, there are some dance groups, singers...
And guess! Of course some people doing capoeira.

The park is huge, you can walk for all day... and the more you walk, more strange people appear...

I was there on Sunday and saw a group of people doing Capoeira too.
There were people with African-looking drums, jamming for hours and hours. They were playing when I got there in the late afternoon, and were still at it when I left after sunset!
I didn't realise the place is so cosmopolitan.
You were there!!
A pity we didn't meet each other...
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