Luckly, the timezone difference made me wake up at 5am every morning. At 6am I was already going to the beach. On the 3rd day, I did a kinda scuba diving but a special one for non-licensed people. First time I could feed the fishes and I could see them so close to me ^-^. Many types... so colorful and "elegant" (very thin fishes lol). It's another world inside the water... some budhist statues and a huge turtle!! it was sleeping :O

It was pretty interesting, it is called scuba bob and you wear a helmet with the oxigen and you drive a little "bike" down about 5m in the water.
One instructor for each person, they instruct you from the boat to the bottom... but you can manage the direction as you wish... up and down are controlled by the instructor.

After the scuba bob, lots of time for snorkeling! such a beautiful place to do snorkeling ^-^
As it was too windy, everybody was feeling sick... except me hehehe, maybe because I didn't eat anything... jet lag and I was not feeling hungry for weeks, travelling all the time and I even thought I lost weight... which I was wrong... I look a bit fat in the pic :O... a bit?
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