I saw the forecast... rain and bit snow... it doesn't matter, I'll go anyway I thought!
When I left Tokyo, it was raining heavly in Kyoto... however when the shinkansen got in Kyoto station, the rain just stopped.
We went to the world heritage Kiyomizudera, for the wonderful night view!

400 yen to get into Kiyomizudera lights up!
The first impression is the temples are the main "dish" for the nite. It is amazing the way all the temples got iluminated ...
Going further, the Momiji trees start doing the show. And as the weather was not good at all, the temple and park were almost empty. Almost impossible to have this famous place not crowded at all...

Kiyomizudera is famous for the view of the city and for the architecture of the temples. Huge wood sticks on the bottom, holding all the temple on the top...
There is also the water of happiness and health people take on the top.

The temperature was getting down too fast... probably close to zero...
Ran to take a bus to the foreigners hostel. Very good for the good price. A tatami huge room only for myself, with a good futon, TV, A/C and the view for the stars!
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