Saturday, December 17, 2005

December! always crazy!

Almost every night, dinner with special friends and bonenkai (company's dinner).
Last night was a special one, with Brazilians and almost Brazilians... natsukashii to speak in Portuguese e drink... yeah... beer, wine, nihonshu.... (ended up very drunk... So drunk I couldn't pack for today's trip...)

Every year, December has been full of emotion, traveling almost every weekend and having fun at work... lots of fun especially this week, in the office... crazy people... massing up everything...
This year, starting with the exam going straight to Kyoto, then after few days to NYC and today to US again! Come back for Xmas special party in Tokyo and before the year is gone, I travel to Nagoya, of course!

As the winter is quite strong this year, we plan already to go for snowboard (recommendation by doc for my knee not to get so bad, instead of skiing). Probably I'll go in January...

I miss the time we use to go to Naeba, Nagano, Niigata for ski... and the time we all got lost while snowboarding for the 1st time... no gondola to go back anymore, we had to wait in the other side of the mountain for rescue hahahahha

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